Tuesday 10 August 2021

Monday 9th July 2021

Aki up early to call her mum...didn't get very far this morning, though, as Toshiko was under the weather and was dozing. No visitors allowed at the moment, due to the surging covid cases in Tokyo. I hit the road at about 0915 and headed south of the river. The first inspection was a terrace of houses that back directly onto Charlton Athletic FC's stadium. Then drove on to Woolwich. The only place I could park to get anywhere near the blocks of flats I needed to look at was the basement car park at neighbouring Lidl...but you need a customer receipt to get out of the car park, so had to buy my lunch items there! Ate my lunch in the car in Greenwich, then wended my way to Eltham, and down to Anerley and Sydenham, before double-backing toward Rotherhithe and Deptford. Wanted to cross the river over Tower Bridge, but it was cordoned off by policemen, so was forced into the Congestion Charge zone. No cars allowed over London Bridge these days, so had to aim for Blackfriars. The heavens opened as I drove over the river! Got home around 1730. Aki cooked up some gyoza for dinner, with various vegetable sides...tasty!

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