Monday 30 August 2021

Monday 30th August 2021


Aki's alarm went off at 0800. Got up and breakfasted. Drove Aki to Worthing station to get the 1035 to London Victoria and waved her off from the ticket hall. Drove round to Louise's in West Worthing. She had put a friend up in the yurt in the back garden. Ryan is the son of a friend of Lou's in Perth, but has been living in Kilburn for five years, and has virtually lost his Aussie accent. Lou drove us back toward Findon, hanging a right before getting that far up the A24, and parking at the bottom of the Cissbury Ring. Walked up to it, then promenaded round the motte and bailey, affording views across the Downs to the north, and out across the English Channel to the south. Walked back down to the car park and bought coffees from the pop up in the car park, then drove back into Worthing. Bought fish 'n chips at Chipwick...easily the best chippy in town. Ate our lunch on the sea wall overlooking the east beach, where we gathered an audience of young herring gulls! Went to take a look at Lou's prospective new's a ground floor garden flat in a converted 50s era semi to the east of the town centre, and a short walk from the seafront. Then drove on to Brooklands Park, on the fringe of Lancing, where Lou had organised a festival last week, based around local ecologically based projects. She's using it as leverage to try and get Council grant money for further, more permanent projects in the park. We dropped Ryan off at Worthing station, and drove back to Lou's where I picked up my car and drove back to the cottage. FaceTimed Kath for an update on the Jim and Karen seems Jim has earned a stay of execution, and is staying in Morpeth...we await further developments. FaceTimed Aki. She had changed trains at Victoria, and had headed out to Heathrow to take a PCR test...results promised tomorrow, together with a certificate to fly, hopefully! Nowt on telly. Warmed up the remains of last night's chicken tikka biryani for dinner. Read some Mantel.

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