Monday 16 August 2021

Monday 16th August 2021

Aki up early to call Tokyo. Her mum was dozing, and not very communicative. Aki had a chat with the care home staff, who are aware of Toshiko's declining state, and monitoring her. Aki still toying with when to time her journey to Tokyo...tricky. Read in bed for a bit. Have gotten a little behind with the book, to the extent that I can't remember who some of the fringe characters are when their names come up! FaceTimed mum on her 88th birthday...she had Anne from the bottom of the garden round for a cup of coffee and a biscuit. Promised to phone back this afternoon when she is due to be at Kath's. Drove to Waitrose and did the shop, getting back for a late lunch. FaceTimed mum at Kath's, where dad had been digging over the front garden in preparation to laying a lawn. They were about to head back to High View to receive a visit from Jim and Karen. Spent some time trying to determine whether we could get our bikes into the back of the car with the seats down. Took off the front wheels, which meant we just about managed it...leaving a little room for luggage. Cooked a tomato sauce with pancetta and onions for dinner, mixed into bowls of pasta. Watched a moving documentary following the development of six US children of men who were expectant fathers at the time of their deaths on 9/11...which dovetailed with depressing irony with Newsnight's coverage of the fall of Kabul to the Taliban.

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