Thursday 26 August 2021

Thursday 26th August 2021

Aki went to bed last night expressing the desire to go to Tokyo a bit earlier than planned, to see her mum, things being a little uncertain as to her state of health at present. I suggested she sleep on it. It's the fact that she has booked a flight on September 14th, but then has to isolate for 14 days in Japan, meaning she won't get to visit Toshiko until 1st October. By morning she'd decided not to go on holiday, but to book a flight out this Saturday. In the event, there were no seats on direct flights out until next Wednesday. So we decided she should come to the cottage in Worthing, then get a train back to London on the Monday, as she has to arrange a pre-flight covid test. Walked down to Girasole to buy something for lunch, but they had pretty much sold out of lunch items, and we didn't fancy lasagna, so came home and I made a sardine salad on toast. Aki did some preparatory packing, and I read more Hilary Mantel...can't put it down...proper writin', innit!? Made an egg and tomato curry for dinner, as we have a surfeit of tomatoes to plough through. Dread news from Kabul, as suicide bombers strike at the defenceless crowds of people queuing at the airport to get out of the country. 

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