Saturday 14 August 2021

Saturday 14th August 2021

Rose late and cooked brunch. Rang ma to alert her to expect a delivery this afternoon. She had been mowing the lawn, while dad was pruning trees in the back garden. Set off for Earlsfield early afternoon. Our first journey by tube this year, changing to Overground at Vauxhall. It was quite busy, and a lot of people not wearing face masks on the trains. Got to Tammy and Franco's around 1400, and were ushered into the back garden. Sun was out and Franco broke out with the prosecco, before he fired up the bbq grill...octopus, king prawns, and sea bream were the stars of the show, together with Tammy's delicious griddled vegetable salad. Very pleasant afternoon talking Stones, book clubs, and binge-worthy TV. Got home around 2130 in time for the first MOTD of the season.

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