Wednesday 18 August 2021

Wednesday 18th August 2021

Woke around 0900. Aki stayed in bed for another half hour, having had a disturbed night's sleep...complained of feeling cold, so we got the winter duvet out for tonight! Did a bit of work at the computer this morning. Nothing much to do now, as no work in the pipeline...might have to consider doing a spell in south Wales come September! Made savoury pancakes for lunch. Sun came out this afternoon. Took a walk up Highgate Hill late afternoon, heading for the ice cream in the Italian deli, but found it closed for the summer vacation. Had to make do with Magnums from the convenience store across the road, which we scoffed in Waterlow Park while inspecting the tennis courts. FaceTimed Kath, who told us that Jim and Karen had turned up yesterday at Kath's to wish mum a belated happy birthday. A bit surprised to learn that they are due to trundle off in the caravette rather than getting Jim to sit down in front of his GP. Aki cooked a tasty mushroom risotto for dinner. I spent most of the evening trying to sort out our ever expanding collection of magazine recipes. Too many recipes, too little time!!!

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