Sunday 22 August 2021

Sunday 22nd August 2021

Woke around 0900. Aki had gotten up early to partake in a zoom call with her brother-in-law, and the manager of Toshiko's care home. Then she cycled off to rowing club. I read in bed for a bit, listening to the chanting coming through the brick wall from the Greek Church next door. Sometimes we get a whiff of incense into the bargain. Made a pancake for lunch, using Helen's apple puree as a filling. Aki had lunch in Springfield Park. FaceTimed ma and pa when she got showed off his prize cucumber. Listened to the second half of Arsenal v Chelsea from the Emirates...the Gooners haven't got off to a great start again. Already getting booed off the pitch only two games in! Cooked stuffed squash for dinner. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed.

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