Wednesday 11 August 2021

Wednesday 11th August 2021


Slow start this morning. Got up around 0900. Aki wanted to try and fit the bike rack on the new car, but after much fiddling about with wing nuts etc we gave up, defeated. The Golf SUV is a different shape to my old Golf. Aki cycled off into Noho to meet Tokiko for lunch at a Korean restaurant, while I walked round to Waitrose to buy some ingredients to make a lasagna. Back to work this afternoon. Made an aubergine lasagna, which uses aubergine and lasagna strips to build up the layers...bit of a faff frying many slices of aubergine before I could build the layers and pop it in the oven...looked good when it came out, but lacked the flavour of a beef mince version. Watched a bit of telly before bed...enjoyed a piece on the phenomenon that is People Just Do Nothing, which previews their film shot in Tokyo...looking forward to seeing that when it's released.

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