Saturday 21 August 2021

Saturday 21st August 2021


Woke late and read in bed for awhile. Got up and Aki cooked eggs for breakfast. Noticed blue flashing lights out in the street...two police cars and a police van outside the Greek Church next door. The police were loading several of our local drug cartel acquaintances into the police van. Turned out Lynne upstairs had called the Old Bill, having seen some dealing going on from her upstairs window. It remains to be seen whether or not that gets rid of them or not...I suspect it only cuts the head off the hydra, and there will be new acquaintances to get to know next week! And they'll probably poor petrol into our letterbox!!! We had planned to go to Helen's for a late lunch, and sit in the garden, but rain forecast for most of the day, so we invited her down to ours instead. I did flat breads with Levantine chicken and a feta and pomegranate salad. Took we didn't eat till gone 1500. Helen had brought dessert...compote of apple, and of plum, from her garden harvest, with lemon shortbread rounds, which we had with spoom and yoghurt. Don't think we'll need dinner!!! Helen on her own at the moment, as Martin has gone up to Newcastle for a few days to look after his dad, who is showing increasing signs of dementia. When Martin rang him to tell him he was half an hour away and would pick up some fish 'n chips, his dad said he'd warm the plates...but put them on the hob! They were shattered by the time Martin arrived, fish supper in hand. Dinner was burrata with salad, and tomatoes from the garden. 

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