Thursday 5 August 2021

Thursday 5th August 2021

Slightly perturbed by pain in my left shin for a couple of minutes prior to nodding off...exactly the same as that described by Aki the night before! Can you get covid in your left leg!?! Spent most of the morning sorting out paperwork in relation to our proposed purchase of the freehold interest here. A s5 Notice looks imminent from the freeholder, which will lock us in to a fairly tight time schedule, so thought we ought to get things moving. Had to take a letter to the solicitor to the Post Office, as it needed to be posted recorded delivery. Popped in on Eglal at Girasole and bought a couple of paninos for lunch. Managed to get a bit of work done this afternoon. Aki cooked up the shoulder of pork we bought yesterday, with lentils and veg. Watched Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris" which Jim had recommended. It was OK...but a rather thin idea, which duly came over as a rather thin film, though there were some nice gags in there.

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