Monday 2 August 2021

Monday 2nd August 2021


Woke up around 0900 and showered. Nice sunny morning, so we decided to head to the coast while the opportunity presented itself. Kath drove mum, and I drove pa and Aki. Got caught up in a terrible traffic jam in the village due to a road closure, and eventually turned around and made our way cross country to the A1 via Prestwick. Got to Druridge Bay just as mum and Kath were figuring out how to pay for a parking ticket. Walked down to the beach, but it was very windy, so we made our way back to the cars and picked up the picnic, then found a picnic table by the man-made lake and had our lunch. 

Jim, Karen and Luke turned up, with their young pup, Bailey, on his lead. He's very cute, and greeted us with great enthusiasm. We decided to drive down to Cresswell in convoy, as it was very busy at Druridge Bay. Went for a walk along the beach and played football with the dog. Jim looked in good shape, if a little drawn. Aki and Karen had a chat about the situation, but it doesn't appear that Karen has explored much by way of medical leads which might address the drink problem. See what happens. Drove home and had a cuppa in the back garden just as it started to cloud over. I made a fish pie for dinner, and used Aki's meringues to make an Eton Mess for afters. Watched a bit of telly before bed. 

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