Sunday 1 August 2021

Sunday 1st August 2021

Woke around 0800. Took a shower. Watched a bit of Olympic coverage before driving us all over to Peary Close for a late morning coffee in the back wasn't really sitting in the garden weather. Not raining, but a bit cold, and certainly rather grey! Kath has had a new timber fence put in at the bottom of the garden, and has cleared some space for a shed. She's also considering a rear extension, though dad reckons she should do a house swap with the next door neighbour, who owns a bigger plot. Drove us back to High View for lunch. Aki and I walked down to the shops at Darras to buy a lemon for Aki's lemon and chicken risotto this evening. Mum played the piano and gave us a bit of Mozart. Watched "All Is True", a rather sweet and canny film by Kenneth Branagh, written by Ben Elton with some very knowing nods toward the canon, both Shakespeare's, and his own!

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