Wednesday 4 August 2021

Tuesday 3rd August 2021


Up and about around 0900...the sea air yesterday had taken it out of us! Started packing. Decided to take the window of opportunity to wash the car...don't think I've done that for nigh on 20 years!!! But it needed a going over...don't know why, but the blue paint job seems to show up the dirt more than the silver on the previous motor. Ma made us some lunch, and we said our farewells afterward. Glad to see them both looking so well. Drove to Holmfirth in the afternoon, getting to Jim and Kath's around 1700. They took us on a 30 minute walk to the top of the neighbouring moor and back, which got our appetites up. They treated us to a chilli con quornie, and in return we gifted them one of mum and dad's prize cucumbers, which went down well. Did a bit of catching up. Barney doing well...currently in Devon in a studio working with a young Glaswegian singer/songwriter called Joseph, who's being bigged up as the next big thing. Meanwhile, Ro's boyfriend Rob has tested positive for covid, so it's only a matter of time before Ro comes down with it in empathy. Katherine has taken over a ceramics business, buying it off a retiree, and she's currently gearing up for a September re-launch.

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