Tuesday 27 July 2021

Tuesday 27th July 2021


Woke around 0830 feeling weary...could have slept on quite easily. Got up and downed some tea. Headed off on inspections at 0930, making for Poplar first, before heading north to Edmonton. Took a quick detour to Ponders End to see how Enfield Council's redevelopment was going...I'd been involved in helping them with innumerable leasehold buyback valuations. Only one of the four tower blocks now still standing, and work going on apace. Quite the transformation! Lunched in Tesco car park and filled up with some petrol before heading west toward Cockfosters, then ending the day in St John's Wood. Got home around 1530 and treated myself to a well earned homemade spoom cornet. Lynne popped in from upstairs to have a quick chat about progressing the freehold purchase. Seems content to go with the package offered by RJC...I said I'd phone them tomorrow morning. Aki cooked a prawn curry for dinner and we watched some telly. FaceTimed kath and told her we'd be up on Thursday, and spoke to Jim to arrange to drop in on them in Holmfirth next week on the way south.

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