Wednesday 25 August 2021

Wednesday 25th August 2021

Aki up early to make contact with was that Toshiko had regained her appetite...there's life in the old gal yet!!! Aki cycled off to rowing club. I got up and finished the book club read. Donned my Stones cap in memoriam of Charlie, and walked down to the cycle surgery to purchase a pedal spanner...but they were shut...looks as though they've shut for good! Ambled back up to The Green Room for a quick coffee, before heading home via the pharmacy to pick up more supplies of Amitriptyline. Aki back in time for lunch. Phoned our cottage renter-outer this afternoon. She sounded a little elderly, and said she was recovering from a mild stroke! She managed to confuse me by going on at length about not letting the dog out into the back garden...she laughed heartily when I told her we didn't have a dog!!! Anyhow, I'm to phone her partner, Paul, when we arrive, and he'll hand us the keys. Let's hope he's a bit more compos mentis! Started reading The Mirror & the Light, the final part of Hilary Mantel's Tudor trilogy...gripped from the first page onward...she is a masterful storyteller. Hosted the Book Club this evening. One of our number, Dulcie, voted to join by Zoom, as she didn't feel comfortable being in a room with the rest of us. Mixed reviews for Ocean Vuong's book...some felt it a little pretentious and self-indulgent...Dulcie was so horrified by the monkey brain eating scene, which was pretty early on in the narrative, that she couldn't pick up the book thereafter. A shame, as he had interesting things to say about trauma and survival, family and relationships, put over in a largely poetic fashion. We decided to choose two novels for the next read, one very short Japanese classic, and one set in more familiar British surroundings. My chocolate orange tiffin went down well!!!

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