Wednesday 4 August 2021

Wednesday 4th August 2021


Aki woke in the night with shooting pains in her left calf...went on for ten minutes or so before dying down, but it meant she had a disturbed night's sleep. Mystery as to the cause. But she was able to walk to the Oil Can Cafe for breakfast. It's a 15 minute walk from Jim's house along country track, and is housed in a re-purposed carpet mill. There's a vintage motoring theme, and a garage next door full of vintage motors which are in various states of refurbishment. The cafe is huge, and we had the place pretty much to ourselves for a late breakfast. We had walked there in glorious sunshine, but halfway through the meal the heavens opened and it came down in stair rods, forming rivulets on the steep road outside. In the end we had to call Kath's brother Alex to come and pick Jim up in his van and take him back to his car...Jim then came out and picked the rest of us up. We set off for Nottingham around noon, driving through flash floods and pools of muddy brown which rendered my efforts at car washing the day before pretty much redundant! The storm had been very localised, though, and by the time we hit the parish borders of Barnsley, we were driving in sunshine on dry tarmac. Got to Bob's at about 1400 and had a cup of tea and a slice of toast before heading southward once more. Drove to Waitrose to buy some food for tonight, then home to unload. Cooked a mushroom and anchovy dish to have with some pasta, and a generous side salad. Bit of telly, bath, and bed.

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