Monday 16 August 2021

Sunday 15th August 2021


Hauled myself out of bed by 0930 and had some porridge...Aki was hoping to go rowing this morning, but too many people were away, so couldn't get a team together. Bit of a farce getting us all to Broomfield Park for the blues fest...had rung Jane and she'd agreed to come knock on our door at 1310. We stood outside waiting for them, and when they didn't appear we knocked on their door at No.36. No reply...we thought they must have already departed for Finsbury Park station, so walked briskly in that direction. Aki phoned them and they said they were on platform 2, but no sign of them, and I thought this odd as the trains went in the wrong direction...we headed for platform 7 where we bumped into Kath and George. Rang Jane again, who said they were at a bus stop! We got on the train and said we'd meet them there...Carlos texted photos of our tickets, which allowed us to get in. We had pulled chilli beef burgers for lunch, washed down with a pint of Redemption, a locally brewed ale, apparently. Two bands interspersed with a solo act entertained us from the bandstand. Katherine didn't stop dancing throughout, but we all got up and had a jig about to a couple of numbers...people enjoying getting out and about at last. Carlos brought his harmonicas and gamely tried to play along with some of the more standard blues numbers. Last encore rang out at 1700, and we hightailed it for a train from Palmers Green. Had a small bowl of Spanish chicken stew with a hunk of bread for dinner, then listened to the BBC Proms from the Royal Albert Hall. MOTD2, bath, and bed.

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