Friday 20 August 2021

Thursday 19th August 2021


Woken around 0900 by Aki screaming in the bathroom...she had surprised a large tarantula that had taken up residence in the bath tub. We got the spider trap ready, and waited until he'd shifted to flatter ground in order to make sure of an accurate takedown. I left it for a few hours, but then Aki had to go for her hair appointment, and needed to wash her the bath. Got it first time, and dropped him in the gutter outside...he sprinted off for the other side of the road. Did some work at the computer after lunch. Aki cooked dinner...pan fried cod with rice and quinoa, cabbage and leeks, and a mustard mayo. Very nice! Watched Sean Lock's stand up show on the telly, shown in tribute to the great man who passed away with skin cancer yesterday. He was a genius...hope they repeat Fifteen Storeys High, which was very funny, and somewhat overlooked at the time.

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