Friday 20 August 2021

Friday 20th August 2021

Aki up early to get off to rowing...they'd planned a long day of it, rowing down the Limehouse Cut to the Thames, where they stopped for lunch at The Grapes, Ian McKellan's historic pub that backs onto the river. I meanwhile languished in bed until gone 0930. Got up and worked at the computer until breaking for lunch. George rang the doorbell, bearing more unwanted gifts from Gail's bakery...I took two loaves...good timing, George!!! More computer interfacing this afternoon. Aki got back exhausted, but managed to cobble some dinner together before nodding off on the sofa. Watched the magnificent Nubya Garcia's Proms concert...Joe Armon-Jones on keyboards blew me away. Superb. Watched Kate Winslet in "Mare of Easttown"...a very promising first episode. 

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