Tuesday 17 August 2021

Tuesday 17th August 2021

Woke around 0900 and hauled myself kettleward. Bit of work to do today, so spent the morning at the computer. Aki nipped out to Waitrose to get some odds and ends. She bought a couple of bottles of kefir, which had been bigged up on telly last night as being good for your gut health, and a couple of pomegranites, which are supposed to ward off dementia. She made a drink out of the pomegranite, cutting the whole thing up and putting it in a blender, then sieving out the detritus...it was absolutely revolting! Made some lunch to get rid of the taste. Back at the computer this afternoon. Aki cooked dinner...lamb kleftico with couscous and dates. She had a zoom meet at 1900. I wandered up to the North Nineteen, as they had flagged up the first open mic night since the March 2020 lockdown. Tony, the publican, recognised me, and tried to persuade me to do a couple of numbers, but I wanted to sus out the covid protocol to see if I wanted to come back. There was no through draught, just one exit door open, and that only occassionally. The mic was wiped with a sanitised wipe of some kind between acts, and there was no mask wearing inside...well, you can't drink and wear a mask at the same time. It was very raucous. Aki joined me after her zoom meet, but didn't feel comfortable, so we left after three acts. But not before I'd had a word with Tony, who is a builder by day, and grabbed his phone no. with a view to him coming to look the bathroom over...see if he can find the mystery leak. Walked home in time to catch more depressing news from Afghanistan, before bath and bed.

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