Sunday 1 August 2021

Friday 30th July 2021

Woke around 0240 to the sound of a car outside, and stayed awake listening out for further noises...suspicious sounds came from downstairs. I got up and stood at the top of the stairs and put the light on, only to find father sheepishly exiting the downstairs bathroom. We exchanged a wave, and went back to bed. Got up around 0930. Aki already downstairs having her breakfast. Decided to make a red currant spoom to go with dad's red currant flan. Picked red currants off the bush at the top of the garden, and then rather laboriously de-stalked them prior to boiling up in some sugar water. Kath turned up for her lunch, then drove us down to Darras to shop for ingredients for tonight's dinner. Walked back up Whinfell in the rain. Watched some Olympic coverage before I helped Aki do some prep for the carbonara she cooked this evening. Kath came for dinner, then headed back to Westerhope. Rain finally stopped, but doesn't look much better tomorrow!

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