Saturday 12 February 2022

Saturday 12th February 2022

Fitful night's sleep....the psoriasis or whatever the hell it is, afflicting my left groin area has suddenly flared up and has been causing me much discomfort these past two days. Have been using Mometosone cream on it, but no sign of it calming down yet! Walking to and from The Almeida yesterday hasn't helped. Aki went off after breakfast to hook up with Helen, who had offered her a ticket to go see the portraits of the Holocaust survivors at the Queen's Gallery in Buckingham Palace. I stayed home and did a little work. Had lunch on my own. Aki got back early afternoon, so I drove round to Waitrose and did the shop. I made some pasta for handkerchiefs with green beans and fried onion in a sauce of miso and nigella was OK, but didn't blow us away. More effort than it was worth, methinks. Watched Ben Wishaw's extraordinary performance as Dr Adam Kay...funny, dramatic, visceral...knocks Call The Midwife into next week!

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