Friday 11 February 2022

Thursday 10th February 2022

Headed back out east again today, this time venturing a little further, into Beckton, Upton Park, and East Ham, which took me past the statue to the boys lifting the World Cup. Stopped at ASDA to get some lunch items. Spoke to Emma, who is directing Twelfth Night at The Tower, a summer production that will go to an outdoor theatre in Paris. Agreed to help out with some dramaturgy, whatever that means, and she said she'd need a bit of help with the auditions at the weekend, as she wants to cast a couple of people who can play guitar, and needs another pair of ears to sound them out. Ate my lunch in the car on the rather grim Eastbourne Road Estate in East Ham. Packed up at dusk and drove to Stoke Newington for PMQ rehearsals. Went rather well this evening, with both actors more or less off book, though this meant I had to do a bit of prompting. Chris, our SM, came along to introduce himself and watch what was going on. Got home around 2100, suitably exhausted!

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