Thursday 3 February 2022

Thursday 3rd January 2022

Woke to radio alarm at 0730. Very weary after the exertions of the last few days, so decided to work from home this morning rather than hit the road again. Sat at the computer most of the morning. Broke for lunch...Aki made ramen noodle soup. Set off to do some inspections in Leytonstone after lunch. Hadn't got very far when I noticed a warning lamp on my dash board...had to consult the manual in order to decipher its' meaning...turned out I had a flat tyre. Pulled over in Brownswood Road, about half-a-mile from home, and set about changing the wheel. Took me ages to get the jack to's a remarkably inefficient piece of equipment. As I was struggling, a tenant came out of the flat behind me, and I asked her if she was in the AA. Turned out she'd changed many a wheel in the Columbian Andes, from whence she hailed! Moral support only on offer on this occassion. Managed to get the emergency tyre on after about an hour-and-a-half, then drove round to Kwikfit on Camden Road where they put a new Goodyear tyre on for me....£95 later! So didn't get any work done this afternoon...drove home for a clean up, a cuppa tea, and some banana bread. Cooked up a pizzaiola sauce which we had with spaghetti.

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