Wednesday 23 February 2022

Wednesday 23rd February 2022


Woke to alarm at up around 0900. Spent the morning at the computer. Aki made ramen noodle soup for lunch, with ham and a soft boiled egg. Worked on until 1815...warmed up the chicken cacciatore for dinner, and I was out of the flat by 1830. Drove to Stoke Newington, getting to theatre in time for the half. Handed Matthew and Bee their good luck cards, and repaired to the auditorium. Watched the first two shows...both better than last night's dress runs. Bee's ukulele playing was her best's in good shape...George can be proud of a job well done! Snuck out at the interval and drove home. Watched a bit of telly with Aki before retiring to bed...exhausted!!! I thin I need to self-isolate for 10 days!!!

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