Monday 14 February 2022

Sunday 13th February 2022

Woke around 0800 and got up to make tea and a cooked breakfast of eggs hollandaise. Jumped in the motor and drove to Stoke Newington to meet the director of Twelfth Night, young woman called Emma Miles, prior to auditioning actors. I had to read in Sir Toby Belch on occassion, and had a bit of fun with that. Bought a ham and cheese toastie from the Yellow Warbler cafe across the road from the theatre...very friendly young couple running it. The toastie was huge. I repaired to the theatre bar area to eat it, and was joined by our Assistant Director, a Chinese girl named Feiyang. She had left her family behind in China and had come to London to do a Masters in Business management, and hadn't gone home. I complemented her on her English...she said she learnt it by watching American TV programmes back in China! Back into the audition space after lunch...worked through until 1630 or was exhausting, but very enjoyable. A lot of talented young people came through the door, but no Sir Tobys, Festes or Aguecheeks as yet. More auditions tomorrow evening. It was raining a little when I came out to find the car. Drove home for dinner. Aki did baked salmon with sticky rice and Japanese style vegetables. FaceTimed ma and pa, who seemed in fine fettle. FaceTimed Kath as she got her dinner together in the kitchen at Peary Close...we were a bit shocked to see her having baked potato with chips and lashings of mayo!!! She's working 12 day stretches, and struggling to find time to cook and eat properly. Watched some telly before bath and bed.

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