Tuesday 15 February 2022

Monday 14th February 2022

Woke at 0730 and got up and did an hours work before porridge. Swapped Valentine's with Aki...I'd also got her a large box of Lindt chocolates, and an orchid in a pot. Worked from home until mid-morning, before venturing back out east to Manor Park, and North Woolwich. Ate my packed lunch in the car parked alongside Little Ilford Park. Drove to Stoke Newington for a 1645 start on round two of Twelfth Night auditions. Had a meeting with FOH at 1730 to learn how to set the burglar alarm should we be the last one's in the building. Hope that never comes to pass!!! Made my palms sweat! Had time to devour a salt beef sandwich before returning to the auditions. Not quite as many to get through as yesterday. Nick Hall turned up with his 12-string guitar and sang us a song. He desperately wants to play Malvolio, but we've seen better...and he didn't seem open to playing anything else...I'd hoped he might give Feste a go. Oh well! We repaired to the pub to discuss possible recalls for Sunday. We had no auditionees for Sir Toby Belch...so muggins 'ere is going to play him! Looking forward to it...it should be a giggle! Got home at 2300 just as Aki was getting out of her bath...so I took her bathwater before retiring to bed, exhausted.

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