Wednesday 2 February 2022

Wednesday 2nd February 2022

Got up at 0800 and did a couple of hours at the computer. Aki cycled off to the rowing club to have a go on the rowing machine in the gym...still getting pain in her left forearm, so wants to strengthen it a little before getting back in a boat. I headed off for another day in rural Cambridgeshire. Had my lunch parked next to the church and churchyard at St Mary's in the village of Burwell...very impressive building. Indeed, it's Grade I listed and dates from the 12th Century. Ended the day in the village of Elsworth, to the south-west of Cambridge, then headed back down the M11 to Stoke Newington for rehearsals at 1800. Got there in time to grab a burger on the High Street. Jessa, our set designer, turned up to watch the rehearsal, and we ended with a run which I timed at 19 minutes 10 was a bit rushed in places, so should be running at over 20 minutes by the time it's ready for an audience. Got home at 2100. Watched an episode of Seinfeld, then some news, before bath and bed.

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