Tuesday 22 February 2022

Tuesday 22nd February 2022


Woke to alarm at 0730. Got up around 0845 and sat at the computer with a mug of tea. Worked till 1130, then walked to the clinic on Hornsey Street for my blood test appointment...need to check my cholesterol levels, and PSA count. Popped in to Waitrose on the way home. Made lunch...hot smoked salmon and salad with a slice of sourdough lathered in cream cheese. Worked at the computer most of the afternoon. Aki cooked an early dinner...pumpkin and mushroom risotto. Drove over to Stoke Newington for 1800. Dress run not due to start until 1930, so took a walk down the High Street...found a couple of good luck cards in Sainsburys. The dress run wasn't ideal. Watched the first play, which was good...our piece was second, but our stage manager had called in sick, and his replacements positioned the props and the Speaker's truck in slightly the wrong places, which kind of threw things awry. This seemed to affect the actors a little, and the performance wasn't as good as it was yesterday...it lost a bit of energy in a couple of places. I snuck out in the interval and drove home. Found Aki watching Sorrentino's "The Great Beauty" on Netflix...stunning piece of work...a touch of Fellini about it. Bath and bed...

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