Monday 21 February 2022

Sunday 20th February 2022

Woke around 0745. Got up and made tea before returning to bed to do some reading. Got up and cooked breakfast of fried potatoes with cheddar cheese, poached egg, and parma ham. Prepared for a long day at the theatre...took some old clothes to change into should I be called upon to raise a paintbrush! Drove over there for 1100...and sure enough, I was handed a paintbrush...painted the lectern Tory blue. Went for a lunch break while the first coat dried...KFC burger and fries! At 1500 the cast and directors repaired to the basement rehearsal room to do a run...managed to escape afterward to go home for dinner. Aki had cooked an aubergine parmigiana lasagna. Then it was back in the motor to get to the theatre, and start the tech, at 1930. It was slow going, despite the lack of cues. I snuck out at 2100 and went downstairs to see what was going on in the Twelfth Night recalls. I then read some scenes as Sir Toby with actors auditioning for Maria and Aguecheek...and by 2200 we had chosen our looks good....some very talented people in it. Rehearsals begin mid March! Drove home to find Aki in the bath...followed her in, then bed....and sleep!

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