Tuesday 8 February 2022

Tuesday 8th February 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Got up around 0800 and started work at the computer, mug of tea in hand. Porridge for breakfast. Broke for lunch around 1300. More of the same this afternoon. Hard going...could happily have nodded off at the desk! Aki cooked salmon in a white sauce for dinner, which we had with IKEA potato cakes. Tasty! Aki had a JCUK zoom meeting at 2000. I listened to Tom Ravenscroft's Peel Acres on BBC Sounds on my headphones. Tom delves into the humungous record collection built up over the decades by his dad, John Peel. Great stuff! Booked tickets for The Chairs at The Almeida on Friday night...going with Kev from No.93 who went to school with one of the actors, Toby Sedgwick. Bath and bed...read a bit of Nowhere Man in bed...it's a bit lumpy...too many adjectives, and some weird sentences that have no meaning. Hamon is writing in his second language.

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