Sunday 6 February 2022

Friday 4th February 2022

Alarm at 0730 but couldn't get out of bed...rose around 0845 and started work at the computer. Raining outside, so delayed yesterday's interrupted drive to Leytonstone until this afternoon, when things are due to brighten up a bit. Aki's homemade pea and ham soup for lunch. Headed out east after lunch, mostly Stratford and West Ham...this is the attractive Brassett House, a 22-storey monstrosity which I've looked at before...fortunately, I didn't have to do any internals this time round. Got home around 1800 and cooked a chicken tikka masala for dinner. Did a bit of work, and watched a bit of telly...tried Murderville on Netflix, an improvised detective was OK, but once was enough. Bath and bed...

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