Sunday 6 February 2022

Saturday 5th February 2022


Slow start...listened to Saturday Live in bed with a mug of tea. Got up and cooked us a breakfast ...ham 'n eggs with avocado toast. Did some voice warm up work in preparation for the afternoon rehearsal. Drove to the theatre with guitar and amp for a 1700 rehearsal with the band. Did Angharad's songs first, on which I played some rhythm guitar, then went through my three songs with Colin and Martin...Artiss, the 14 year old drummer, showed up just as we finished, so we went through all three songs again with him on sticks...he was very good...picked things up immediately, and kept it simple. Aki turned up to watch for a bit, and we tried to get some food in the little time we had before the show kicked off. Bought a takeaway from Itto on the High Street, but didn't have time to eat it, so left it in the car for later, as I needed to be in the room for the start of the show. The neighbours from Nos.36 & 38 Sussex Way turned up. I got up and introduced myself as Pepper Red, hardened bluesman from Chicago who was on tour in the UK of E with my band the Red Hot Peppers, but had told them we were gigging in Stoke, rather than Stoke Newington, and they were all stuck at Keele service station on the I'd had to get me a pick-up band who I'd picked up on the corner of Northwold Road, and introduced them as Blind Melon Guthrie, and Marty Deep Down South...I'd sat Artiss in the audience and asked if there was a drummer in the house...and Artiss came up and joined us. My three numbers went down well. In the first of two intervals, Aki and I slipped out to the car to eat our by now rather cooled takeaway dinner. The rest of the evening was great, for the most part...some stonking singers at The Tower! The only bum notes were hit by the final act of the evening, Rahul, who was seriously under rehearsed, tediously amateur, and not as funny as he thought he was...and worse, didn't know when to pack it in and get off...we thought he was going to do a Ken Dodd and go on till two in the morning. Finally made our escape and drove home after an otherwise great night.

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