Sunday 6 February 2022

Sunday 6th February 2022


Slow start after last night's shenanigans...but got up and cooked Turkish eggs for breakfast. FaceTimed ma and pa and caught up on yesterday's birthday celebration for Kath...they had all gone out for a meal at the Indian Restaurant on Broadway, Darras Hall. Sounded worth a visit next time we're in town. Katherine at No.127 texted us to say she'd come down with covid, so had two spare tickets for the Pina Bausch piece at Sadlers Wells this afternoon. We walked there via Upper Street...popped in to Belle Epoch for a tasty quiche lunch and a decaff. Walked on to Sadlers Wells...the sun came out, but it was pretty windy...had to hold on to my hat. Hooked up with Katherine's daughter, and two sons, in the foyer, and found our seats in the Circle...they were side on, so restricted view, so it wasn't an entirely comfortable experience. The piece, Kontakthof, was great...I'd seen it about 12 years or so ago in the same venue. Found myself moved to tears on a couple of occassions by the poetry of the choreography...really enjoyed it. Walked back home in the dark...quite a lot of people about. Got home at 2000 and Aki cooked up some pasta and warmed up the tomato sauce I'd made in the week. Watched the first episode of "The Curse", created by the fantastic team behind "People Just Do Nothing". Promising start, although we could have done with subtitles for one of the characters...might have to watch again on catch up!

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