Monday 21 February 2022

Monday 21st February 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730...lay in for an hour or so, but had to leap out of bed when the doorbell went, as Aki was in the bathroom. It turned out to be Lynne from upstairs...the wind had blown the front door shut, and she had ventured out without her keys! Started work, at the computer, at 0900, and spent the day there. Broke for lunch, before Aki headed off for Balham, and a site meeting with the builder on the little residential project she's working on. I stopped work around 1730 and cooked a chicken cacciatore for dinner. Aki got home around 1900, and we ate the chicken with mashed potato and boiled courgette. Tried FaceTiming ma and pa to sing Happy Birthday to Johnners (ninety-two today), but no-one picked up. Probably sleeping off his hangover. FaceTimed Kath and Jim, who were settling down for University Challenge. Watched episode 3 of The Curse....sooooo good...and the final episode of Alma's Not Normal...hope there's a second series in the pipeline! Bath and bed...

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