Thursday 17 February 2022

Thursday 17th February 2022

Woke around up and made tea, and did some work at the computer screen before breakfast. Made a packed lunch and drove off to east London. Inspections in Canning Town, Custom House, and then on to Poplar. Had my lunch in the Tesco car park overlooking the canal at Three Mills Island. Found myself on the Brownfields Estate, which include Goldfinger's Balfron House tower...I presume he also designed the low-rise blocks on the estate...this one is on Burcham Street...nice! It got dark a little early, and you could see the first signs of Storm Eunice gathering to the south-west. It was raining by the time I got home in the evening. Aki warmed up her lentil ragu, which we had with linguine and some vegetables. Watched "Annie Hall" on BBC4...seen it a few times...I think the first time was at the Odeon, Nottingham, on a date with Janice! It's beautifully constructed...and still very funny! Woody Allen was a singular comic genius...

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