Monday 7 February 2022

Monday 7th February 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730, but didn't manage to haul my weary frame out of bed until gone 0800. Made tea, porridge, and a packed lunch before setting off for Bishop's Stortford for a day's inspecting. Stopped off at Birchanger Green Service Station on the M11 to buy some lunch items, and grab a coffee. Had my packed lunch in a car park on an interesting housing scheme called Nightingales, formerly the site of a large Victorian era hospital, some of the old buildings having been converted to residential use, plus various blocks of infill development. Not terribly imaginative in the execution, though. Finished as the light began to fail and drove back to Birchanger Green services and bought some sushi in Waitrose for dinner, which I ate in the car. Drove back to Stoke Newington for a 1915 rehearsal. Worked a bit with Bea on her ukulele strumming technique...getting there, slowly! Got home around 2130. Caught the News before bath and bed.

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