Friday 11 February 2022

Friday 11th February 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Got up and made tea. It tasted a bit weird, so I thought I ought to take a LFT in case I had come down with another case of the covids...fortunately, Aki said her tea tasted strange too...turned out the milk had gone off! Aki cycled off to the Rowing Club after use the gym there, rather than going out on a boat. I ventured out east again, back to Forest Gate, East Ham, and Manor Park. Had my packed lunch in the car in a side street before heading for Tesco in Dagenham to use the facilities. Got home around 1730. Aki had cooked up a Spanish chicken and chorizo stew, and Kev from No.93 came round for some food before we walked down to Islington Green and the Almeida Theatre. Bumped into Martin and Janet South in the bar...their son works their as a Production Assistant. The Ionesco piece starred Marcello Magni, and the inimitable Kathryn Hunter, who stole the show with a perfectly pitched performance...she's so good! They dropped cues toward the end which took a little momentum out of the piece, but it's a great piece of absurdist theatre, and the translator had shoe-horned in some text to bring it up to date with the world of alternative facts that we now live in! Repaired to the bar for a drink and a chat with the Souths before walking back to Holloway.

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