Saturday 19 February 2022

Saturday 19th February 2022

Woke around 0745. Got up and made tea. Went back to bed to read for a bit before making a breakfast of smashed avocado with poached eggs and ham. FaceTimed sign of snow in Newcastle, unlike County Durham...sounds like they got off lightly. Ma and Pa were in good fettle, though dad had been complaining of cold symptoms which they reckon he picked up from someone at the swimming pool in the week. Aki cycled off to Steve Hatt's for some fish. I stayed home and did some voice exercises. Light lunch, then drove to Stoke Newington for final rehearsal session for PMQs. It opens on Wednesday night. Rehearsal went well...Colin Guthrie turned up with some sound effects for the piece, and played them in to the first and second runs. Looks in good shape. Drove home...fortunately the Arsenal game had finished an hour-and-a-half earlier, so I didn't get caught up in the crowds. Aki pan fried some plaice fillets for dinner, with boiled potatoes and vegetables, and a lemon caper sauce. Very tasty. Watched some telly...another lurid episode of This Is Going To's superbly put together, but a difficult watch at times!

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