Friday 18 February 2022

Friday 18th February 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730, but failed to rise much before 0900. Hauled myself out of bed to make my breakfast. Aki busied herself at the computer, making dad's birthday card...I braved Storm Eunice to go and post it. It wasn't too bad this morning...though I had to keep a hand on my cap to prevent blowing away down Seven Sisters Road! Worked at the laptop on the dining table catching up on the stock I'd looked at yesterday. Broke for a lunch of coronation chicken open sandwiches with side salad. Watched a bit of curling from Beijing before getting back to the laptop. Cooked lamb shank for dinner, with orzo and vegetables. Watched a bit of telly. Storm Eunice died away as the day progressed...didn't see any damage here, fortunately, just a few coloured plastic carrier bags hovering above our privet hedge...

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