Sunday 27 February 2022

Sunday 27th February 2022

Woke at 0730 and got up to make tea. Kiev is still holding out against the enemy…their President is coming over as a magnificent leader in difficult and stressful circumstances…he was formerly a comic actor! You need a sense of humour when Ras-Putin is around!!! Aki cooked breakfast. Did some exercises before setting off in the car for Tok’s in Pinner. Traffic not too bad, though there were some brief traffic jams on the to Tok's a little after 1300. She served up a tasty Italian themed menu...a fresh smoked salmon salad with pink peppercorns, followed by a cheesey parmigiana, then a seafood pasta dish. The girls had a bit of difficulty opening the prosecco we'd was bottled with a cork which necessitated the use of a corkscrew...they got there in the end, despite the photo suggesting they were making a molotov cocktail to throw at any Russians we might encounter on Pinner High Street. We took a drive up to Pinner Green after lunch and had a walk around Pinner Golf Club in the sunshine...Tok is a regular player. Nice views across the course toward the wooded hills of Bushey. Then it was back to Tok's for dessert before heading back home. Watched "Mission Joy" on the iPlayer, a very moving account of a meeting between Desmond Tutu and his old chum the Dalai Lama in 2015. What amazing characters...the ageing Archbishop reminded me a bit of Grannie Neale...soldiering on with a smile on his face through all that life and old age could chuck at him...inspirational!

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