Monday 31 January 2022

Monday 31st January 2022

Woke around 0730 and got up at 0800 to make tea and porridge. Sat at the computer for a couple of hours before heading out in the car for south-east London. Drove around Forest Hill, East Dulwich, Peckham and Peckham Rye for most of the rest of the day, stopping to eat my packed lunch in the car in a street in East Dulwich village. By the time I got to Marlton Street, Greenwich, it was getting can see my car headlights helping to pick out the final shot of the day. Stopped off at M&S in Charlton to get some lunch items for tomorrow's packed lunch, then drove home. Got home at 1900 just as Aki was serving up a vegetable curry and dahl, with rice and naan bread. Worked all evening to get everything written up, as I need to start on a new job in Cambridgeshire tomorrow.  Wonder if I'll get time to call in on Uncle Pete? Aki called Kath, as she had reported having had to get herself to A&E to have an eye infection looked at...sounds like a bad case of conjunctivitis. Looks 'orrible! Says it's very painful!!! Bath and bed.

Sunday 30 January 2022

Sunday 30th January 2022

Woke around 0915....had to force ourselves out of bed! It had been a busy weekend so far...more of the same today. Aki cooked up an omelette for breakfast. I got my stuff together and drove to Stoke Newington for a rehearsal with Colin, Angharad and Stan...I'm playing guitar on a couple of songs they are delivering at the gig next weekend. Stan the violin player was dreadful...hopefully he'll get better as the week progresses! Then it was time for the short play production meeting. Jess Evans has been assigned our designer, and she ran through some ideas with us, and we also got allocated a lighting designer called Anna...we invited them along to Wednesday night's rehearsal so they can get a better idea of how the actors are utilising the space. Drove back home through heavy stuck on Blackstock Road for about 20 minutes!

As I drew up, I happened upon the next door neighbour washing his car...mine is so bad, I've been too embarrassed to take it to the hand car wash chaps round the corner, so saw my window of opportunity and seized it. Donated a couple of bottles to Sush's lager stockpile for his trouble. Aki had cooked a boiled ham for dinner, which we had with mashed potatoes and a mustard sauce...then it was back to the theatre for this evening's play rehearsal. Plodded through the final sections of the piece, and ran bits of's in pretty good they just need to double down on the line learning. Next rehearsal Wednesday. Got back home around 2100 and watched the BBC highlights from Melbourne as Rafa came from two sets down to win his 21st Grand Slam title...jaw dropping stuff from the great man!

Saturday 29 January 2022

Saturday 29th January 2022

Woke around 0800. Wanted to do some work uploading the photos I'd taken yesterday, but couldn't link up with the Savills online service for some reason...I presume IT are working on something. Aki cycled off to the fishmonger while I did a bit of tidying up before the band arrived. We were a bit low on soy sauce, so I popped over to the Chinese shop and bought a bottle. Martin and Janet brought alcohol free prosecco as they are trying to lose wasn't bad, though I prefer the alcohol version. Colin cycled over from Stratford in a head wind, so was a bit late. We had a bit of a natter before lunch. Janet works for Eye magazine, an expensive rag aimed at the graphic design industry. Martin trained in law, and runs an advice centre in Tower Hamlets, and does a bit of acting on the side when he can get it. Colin is a retired BBC sound engineer. We rehearsed some songs after lunch in preparation for next weekend's gig at the Tower Theatre. A splendid time was had by all...they left around 1730, and I cooked a mushroom and anchovy sauce which we had with some pasta. Watched the Australian Open women's tennis final...Ash Barty a worthy winner over a battling Danielle Collins.

Friday 28th January 2022


On the road again today. Made a packed lunch and set off at 0900 for Waterloo Bridge, and then on down to Thornton Heath. Stopped off at Sainsburys and discovered it shared a car park with the Crystal Palace football ground...a rather ugly edifice! Ate my lunch in the car in a residential street in Catford. Ended the working day in my old stomping ground of Forest Hill. Drove home to pick Aki up, and we drove into Moorgate. Tried parking the car in the Barbican car park, but we'd both forgotten our debit cards, and it wouldn't take ApplePay, so we parked in a street off Silk Street, which was considerably cheaper than the Barbican option. Had dinner at Cote Brasserie on Beech Street...the bourguignon beef cheeks were melt-in-the-mouth good. Hooked up with Kevin and his missus, Laurence, in the bar at the Pit...we hadn't met her before...she teaches French at the Institute Francais in South Kensington. The show was part of this years rather cut down London International Mime Festival...a kind of cabaret show by a couple of dance companies who specialise in lip-synching, to great effect, and drag. It had it's moments...I particularly enjoyed the solo piece for Sid Vicious...but it all got a bit samey, and wasn't really my bag. We drove Kevin and Laurence home to No.93, and they invited us in for a quick snifter. Laurence had several stunning paintings by her deceased brother on the walls of the kitchen/dining room...his still life's were stunning. 

Thursday 27 January 2022

Thursday 27th January 2022

Woke to the alarm at 0800. Hauled myself out of bed and sat in front of the computer, where I ate my porridge. Worked through until lunch break. Popped out in the afternoon to start some inspections in east London, which will be on-going for most of February. Shot of the Day was this photo of some flats in Glaucus Street, Bow Common...which lead me to wonder about the street name. Apparently Glaucus Pontius was a Greek sea God who had the gift of prophecy...shame he couldn't predict the architectural catastrophe that was the 1960s before it was all too late! How on earth did Glaucus end up in the East End of London? Got home at 1800. Cooked belly pork for dinner, with mashed potatoes and vegetables. Watched a bit of telly. Ricky Gervais's final series of After Life is proving a comparative disappointment...not as whacky as the first season, and the maudlin sections are getting tiresome. A dose of Seinfeld cheered us up.

Wednesday 26th January 2022

Woke at 0730. Up and at 'em....made tea, porridge, and a packed luncheon. Headed for Thamesmead, stopping off at M&S in Charlton to get some lunch extras. Drove on to Erith and Dartford, before doubling back to Eltham, Lee and Blackheath. Had my lunch in the Morrisons car park overlooking Erith Deep Wharf...which wasn't as exciting as it sounds...the view was blocked by the road works. Shot of the Day was a bunch of flat conversions in a 4-storey Victorian era villa opposite Lee rail station. Got home around 1745. Aki cooked a tasty mushroom risotto for dinner. Watched a bit of telly. 

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Tuesday 25th January 2022

Woke around 0645 and couldn't get back to sleep, so got up and did some work at the computer. Tea and porridge at my desk. Aki popped in to the Japanese Embassy to drop off some paperwork. She went via the tube, which she said wasn't too busy. She came back with some ramen noodles which we had for lunch in a soup with salmon and boiled egg....nom nom! Worked all afternoon, breaking at 1730 to warm up the chicken and chorizo stew for dinner, which we had with orzo and cabbage. Kath rang just as we were readying ourselves to go out...Jim had taken himself off to A&E complaining of chest pains. Kath didn't think it was serious, so we went on our way. Drove to the Tower Theatre to see "Krapp's Last Tape". Theatre about a third full for the first night. Not a bad rendition, if a little light on character detail. It was cold in there though, so we didn't go back for the second half chat with the director, but instead hightailed it home. Message from Kath saying Jim had been diagnosed with...chronic heartburn! We celebrated with a glass of port back in the warmth of the flat. Watched the end of an astonishing programme put together by the late great Maya Angelou, celebrating her devout love for all things Robbie Burns. The utter delight on her face as she sits and listens to various renditions of the great man's work was revelatory!

Monday 24th January 2022


Woke around 0800 and hauled myself out of bed. Warmed up some of Aki's leek and potato soup to take for my lunch break. Headed south of the river via waterloo Bridge. Stopped off at M&S in Colliers Wood to pick up some lunch items to add to my portion of soup. Ate in the car on a retail park just north of Purley. Finished the working day in Croydon as dusk settled, and drove to Stoke Newington. Bought a chicken shish kebab for dinner, which I ate in the car, before meeting George for a quick catch up before rehearsals. I was tasked with taking a team photo for the online newsletter. Struggled to stay awake during rehearsals, but got through home around 2200. Watched the News before bath and bed.

Sunday 23 January 2022

Sunday 23rd January 2022

Woke around 0745 so got up and made a mug of tea, then sat at the computer for most of the morning, breaking only for Aki's cooked breakfast. Grey day outside. Did some blues rehearsal ahead of next weekend's band get together here. I think I'm in good shape. Delayed going out for a walk, as the Arsenal were due to kick off at 1400. Wandered through Highbury Fields and on to Belle Epoque on Upper Street where we shared a slice of quiche, and a custard flan...very good! Got home just before the Emirates chucked out the Gooners and Burnley fans. FaceTimed ma and pa...they looked in fine fettle. They showed us some of the possessions Jim has piled up in their garage...they could have a big bonfire in the back garden! Roasted a sea bass Italian style for dinner, with sauteed (or burnt) potatoes, and vegetables on the side. Watched Japanese movie "Drive My Car", based on a Murakami story. It dovetails the story of an actor/director and his wife with themes from Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" as it is rehearsed by the director and his 3 hours, I thought it would flag, but it was an engrossing piece of work...

Saturday 22nd January 2022

Woke at 0730 so got up and did some work at the computer writing up notes from the past two days inspections. Aki went on a zoom call mid morning with the Japanese version of Samaritans, with whom she is being trained up to accept calls from suicidal Japanese people. Broke for lunch, but Aki still at the zoom meeting. Prepared lunch for both of us, and ate without Aki. Finished "Shuggie Bain"...very moved by the last chapter...superbly written novel, but bleak in a way only something set in Glasgow can be bleak!!! Did a Waitrose shop in the afternoon. Aki warmed up her aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner, with lots of vegetables on the side. Cracked open my homemade carrot and parsnip chutney, which went down a treat with cheese and biscuits. Watched a bit of telly...the last episode of "The Tourist" was appallingly bad...the script went downhill as fast as the narrative! Early bath and bed...

Friday 21 January 2022

Friday 21st January 2022

Woke around 0800 and hauled myself out of bed. Started work at the computer at 0830. Got back in the car at 1030 and headed back to Whitechapel. Had to park some distance from the estate. Very cold hands, used to grip my clipboard, and take photos with my phone, were soon purple and blue with cold. Had packed a salad for lunch, but was so cold come lunchtime I sought out a sit down hot which time I was doing inspections in Shoreditch. Ate chicken noodle soup at Itsu behind Spitalfields Market. Got home around 1515. Aki cycled off to her hairdresser on Essex Road. I made a Spanish chicken and chorizo stew for dinner, which we had with orzo and cavolo nero. Marked the end of the working week with a beer, and watched a bit of telly. Early bath and bed...

Thursday 20 January 2022

Thursday 20th January 2022


Got up at 0800 and made tea. Heated some soup to take on today's road trip., and retrieved my packed dinner from the fridge. Headed for Mile End. Stopped off at Allpress in Dalston to pick up a coffee, and bought a salmon and celeriac sandwich to bolster my soup lunch later. There was a lot of activity on certain blocks within the estate, and I was astonished to learn that the building works entailed adding two storeys to some of the extant 60s era 4-storey blocks. It looks to be a mammoth undertaking. Took far longer to get round the Mile End stock than hoped, so ended up having a late lunch in the car park at Tesco opposite Three Mills Island. Then drove on to the Isle of Dogs, and then tried to take a bite out of the Cable Street stock, but only managed a nibble before darkness encroached. Drove to Stoke Newington. Ate my packed dinner of chicken pasta salad in the car. Bumped into Nick Hall again at the Tower. He was rehearsing some songs for gig night with Colin Guthrie, and I persuaded him to sing me the Robert Wyatt song he'd mentioned last weekend. Sounded great on the twelve string. Bianca turned up late for ukulele rehearsal. She's making heavy weather of it. She's not a natural strummer. George and Matthew turned up later, and we got to run the first half of the piece...which was very encouraging. Drove back home through the crowds as the Emirates spilled out over Finsbury Park...took twice as long to make the journey as it would do otherwise. Aki had been to Book Club...the new choice is Nowhere Man, by Aleksander Hemon.

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Wednesday 19th January 2022


Woke around 0730 and got out of bed in the hope of making an early start. Made a packed lunch, and headed off for Morden around 0930, going over Waterloo Bridge. Stopped at M&S in Colliers Wood and bought some lunch items. Stopped for lunch at Morden Hall Park. Nice spot I hadn't known existed. Bought a tea in the cafe, then hit the road again. Ended the day in Mitcham, then drove back over Waterloo Bridge. Got home around 1815. Aki made teriyaki chicken for dinner. Enjoyed watching David Davies imploring Bojo to go, "in the name of God!" A defection to the Labour ranks enhanced the mood!!! Did some work at the computer, then watched a bit of telly before bath and bed.

Tuesday 18 January 2022

Tuesday 18th January 2022

Woke at 0730 but couldn't find the get-up-and-go to haul myself out of bed until gone 0800. Made a packed lunch, and breakfasted on porridge and tea. Attacked the mess in the front garden with some neat bleach in the hope that it would break it down a bit before giving it a sluicing. Headed off for Wimbledon at 0930. Stopped at Tesco in Morden to pick up some items for lunch, and ate in the car park. Drove back once it got too dark to take photos. Got home around 1815. Aki said she had cycled in to John Lewis's on Oxford Street to get replacement bulbs for the lamps above the dining table, only to get home and discover she had purchased bayonet instead of screw fittings! She'll have to cycle all the way back again tomorrow!!! Aki had warmed up the leftover fish pie for dinner. I did an hour or so at the computer, then we watched ep4 of The Tourist. Did a little rehearsing of the show song on ukulele, in advance of Thursday night's rehearsal. Then bath and bed.

Monday 17 January 2022

Monday 17th January 2022

Woke around 0730. Got up and made tea, a packed lunch, and a coffee flavoured bowl of porridge. Fielded a couple of phone calls before heading out in the car...looks like one of our local addicts has enjoyed taking a dump in our front garden...we need to install a protective gate, with a toilet roll holder appended! Too traumatised to do anything about it!!! Headed for Tooting. The satnav wanted to take me over Waterloo Bridge, but there doesn't seem to be a way of accessing the bridge from the east. I drove westward along The Strand, but the southern side of Aldwych is now buses and taxis only. Had to wend my weary way along the Embankment. No left turn allowed onto Westminster Bridge, so drove along Millbank, and crossed the river on Lambeth Bridge. Stopped off to buy a sandwich at M&S in Colliers Wood, having decided to save my packed lunch for the evening meal. Ate my lunch in the M&S car park before ploughing on to Wimbledon and Raynes Park. Finished the working day in Wimbledon Chase, then headed for Stoke Newington via Waterloo Bridge. Parked up near the Tower Theatre, and had five minutes to spare to eat my packed dinner before attending rehearsal for "PMQ". Matthew came up with a nice mimed opening sequence...looking good. Got home a little after 2100. Aki had been too traumatised to clean up the front garden!!! We'll have to egg eachother on tomorrow morning....can't wait! Bath and bed.

Sunday 16 January 2022

Sunday 16th January 2022

Slept through until 0900. Hauled ourselves out of bed. Made a pancake batter, then did some oven cleaning while the batter was left for an hour to settle, or whatever it does! Had them with fruit, yoghurt, cream and chopped nuts. FaceTimed ma and pa, who both looked well...though dad had been grappling with a paper jam in his new A3 printer! Nice afternoon, so we took a hike up Highgate Hill and had a decaff at the Pink Cafe in Waterlow Park. Bumped into Nick Hall, who had played Thomas Cromwell for us at the Tower last November, sitting on a bench rolling a fag. He lives nearby...I asked him what his day job is, and he said "Film-maker", much to my surprise...he's done a degree and an MA, but work is sparse. He's planning to audition for Malvolio at the Tower for the summer Shakespeare in Paris slot. I quite fancy getting on board as AD, but have heard nowt from the director on that score...must chase that up. I did a couple of hours work at the computer before Aki served up some interesting tapas dishes for dinner...worked well. Rebecca next door had just made some lemon meringue pie, and donated a couple of slices to us for afters. Watched Alma's Not Normal, After Life, and Toast of Tinseltown...a triple whammy of laughs, before bath and bed.

Saturday 15 January 2022

Saturday 15th January 2022

Woke around 0745. Got up and did a bit of work at the computer before Aki made porridge for breakfast. Aki cycled down to Essex Road mid morning to visit the fishmonger. We had a late brunch/early lunch, then I got kitted up for the cycle ride to Stoke Newington. Bit cold out, but soon got warmed up. Arrived at the theatre in good time. Got chatting to Colin and Simona about the up-coming gig night. It seems Martin South is set to play some bass, so hopefully I can persuade him to back my blues numbers. There'll be a young drummer, and Colin is up for playing some second guitar...could be groovy! The afternoon was spent with the four short play directors explaining their technical requirements to several newcomers who are being encouraged to give set design, lighting design, costume etc a first go, with some old hands mentoring them along the way. Sheila Burbage was there, who had played the bad fairy in the Cinderella panto I was in 40 years ago, so we had a brief reminisce. About twenty or so new volunteers turned up, so hopefully some will go on to get involved in the forthcoming productions. We await further developments. Cycled back slowly, as it felt as if my handlebars were working loose. Got home before 1700. Aki busy cooking biscotti, and a fish pie, which we had for dinner. Watched Nomadland with the marvellous Frances McDormand ekeing out a life on the road with other US oldsters who couldn't afford to live on the $550 dollar a month state pension, so took to living in camper vans and doing all manner of seasonal labour in whatever state would accept them. Not the retirement they'd planned...all quite depressing!

Friday 14th January 2022

Woke at 0730. Breakfasted on porridge and tea. Headed out toward south-east London in the sunshine. Stopped off at Tesco in Surrey Quays and bought some lunch items...however, by the time lunchtime came around, I found myself near Borough Market, so bought myself some street food and ate it sat on a wooden bench under the market roof. Ended the working day in Camberwell, then drove up to Stoke Newington. Ate my packed lunch for dinner, in the car. Had a brief meeting with George the director ahead of this evening's rehearsals...he generously offered me the opportunity to take a rehearsal session at some point in the process. Rehearsal went OK, though George is still concentrating on the final scenes, so we haven't done a full read through yet. I guess he's waiting for the cast members to learn their lines first...Matthew has a lot to learn! Got home around 2200. Watched a bit of Friday night telly with Aki before bath and bed.

Thursday 13 January 2022

Thursday 13th January 2022


Woke around 0730 and hauled ourselves out of bed. Aki wanted to go into town to convert some Japanese yen into sterling, and needed a bodyguard, so we went into Covent garden on the tube from Finsbury Park. It was pretty quiet. Covent Garden was all but mime artists or street acts to be seen! Aki converted her cash into pounds, and we walked over to a nearby HSBC to deposit the notes. Got a northern line train from Leicester Square to Kentish Town. Had half an hour to kill before my scan appointment, so Aki treated her bodyguard to coffee and orange polenta cake. The scan at the Kentish Town Health Centre went quickly...he did a thorough ultra sound scan of my right groin, as I have been getting periods of excessive pain there recently...the old hernia repair wound! We walked back to Holloway from Kentish Town, via Tufnell Park. Nice day for a walk. We had bought aubergine and tomato foccaccia from the cafe in Kentish Town, and warmed it up in the oven for lunch...very tasty. Spent the afternoon at the computer keyboard. Broke for dinner. Aki warmed up the leftover mabo and rice. Watched a bit of telly and read some Shuggie Bain...very funny scene of awkward teenage lust on an embankment overlooking the M9. Bath and bed.

Wednesday 12th January 2022

My sleep was disturbed by the unearthly sound of a couple of foxes making out in the back yard...went on for about 20 minutes! Aki didn't hear a thing...her ear plugs are evidently top of the range! Got up at 0800 and made a packed lunch. Did a LFT prior to tonight's theatre rehearsal. Tested negative again. Headed for Greenwich, and on to Lewisham. Popped into a Tesco store there to pick up some lunch items. Ate my lunch in the car in a side street in Brockley. Ended the working day in Rotherhithe, and drove to Stoke Newington, via the Rotherhithe Tunnel. Parked up near the theatre and went in search of food...ended up in Fuji, a little Japanese restaurant on Church Street...the chicken teriyaki bento box was underwhelming. Met up with George Savona, the director, in the theatre bar area, and Matthew and Bianca joined us for rehearsal in the basement. They are both very good...intelligent, thinking actors, who'll do a grand job. I think George may be a retired English Lit teacher, as he picked out passages of alliteration which we hadn't cottoned on to. Finished rehearsals at 2145 and drove home exhausted!

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Tuesday 11th January 2022

Fitful night's sleep. The hernia repair pain kept me awake in the early the end I got up and did a couple of hours work at the computer. Made a packed lunch and drove back out to East Ham and Beckton. Then through the Blackwall Tunnel to Charlton, stopping off for elevenses at IKEA. Popped in to M&S to get some lunch items, and headed east to Woolwich and Plumstead. Ate my lunch in the car on Plumstead Common. Ended the working day in Erith, and headed for home once darkness had descended. Got home about 1815. Aki warmed up the roast cauliflower and pearl barley I'd cooked at the weekend, and added a cheese sauce. I spent most of the evening at the computer before bath and bed.

Monday 10th January 2022

Back to work today. Got up in good time to prepare a packed lunch and set off for east London around 0930. Spent the majority of the day in and around Leyton. Stopped off at Tesco there to use the facilities and get some lunch items. Ended the day in East Ham, and headed home once it got too dark to get a decent property photo. Aki cooked duck for dinner, with the warmed up roast potatoes from the weekend. I spent most of the evening working at the computer, trying to catch up with my delayed workload. 

Sunday 9 January 2022

Sunday 9th January 2022


Woke around 0930. Hauled ourselves out of bed. I cooked eggs for breakfast, and we finished off Aki's boiled ham. Did LFTs, and both posted negative results. Watched some FA Cup football before a late lunch of potato peel crisps and tomato ketchup. Drove up to Helen's to return the electric heaters we'd borrowed before Christmas. Scottish jigs and reels rehearsal at the North Nineteen this evening. A couple of violinists failed to show, so we were a bit depleted. We ordered some food from the Japanese chef and ate around the big table in the snug. I went for the chicken katsu curry, and Aki braved the chicken roast. Got home about 2000 and rang ma and pa. Mum said Dad had been ill with headaches, but seemed better now...I urged her to persuade him to take a test to check on his covid status. Watched The Tourist...distinctly underwhelming. Bath and bed...back to work tomorrow!!!

Saturday 8 January 2022

Saturday 8th January 2022

Woke around 0900. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up and cooked a breakfast of ham and eggs with avocado chilli toast. Grey and wet outside...the forecast is for this to continue all day, so doesn't look like we'll get a walk in. Had planned to go to the Tower Theatre director's workshop this afternoon, but given yesterday's albeit slight hint of continued infection, decided to stay away. Meant I could tidy up the bedroom prior to Aki moving back in, should she so desire! I cooked an apple and pear crumble, which we had for lunch with custard. The rain seemed to clear in the afternoon, so we made a break for it and walked up Highgate Hill and bought gelati at the Italian deli near the top of the hill. The heavens opened on us as we headed into Waterlow Park, so we ate our contraband in the timber shelter in the park. Walked home in heavy rain. I roasted a whole cauliflower for dinner, with shallots, mushrooms, spinach, pearl barley, topped with parmesan and hazelnuts. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed.

Friday 7 January 2022

Friday 7th January 2022

Alarm at 0800. Felt a bit groggy this morning...very stuffy nose. Took a LFT which showed I was still positive, though the line is so faint I needed my reading glasses to spot it! Celebrated the end of my 10 day isolation period with a cup of coffee! Did some work at the laptop, before we headed out for a walk to Highbury Fields and back. Felt OK, but a bit cold out! Aki made some lunch, then drove off to Waitrose. We both worked till late, so dinner was a bit late too...Aki cooked a mapo. Watched the inimitable Olivia Colman in "The Lost Daughter"...directed by Maggie Gyllenhall. Great performance from the Dame in waiting. The story is one of regret and melancholy, and there was an ominous strain throughout the narrative, which jarred a bit with the strangely happy ending. The jury is out...

Thursday 6th January 2022

Woke before the alarm this morning. Aki brought tea and porridge to my door. It's the final day of my self-isolation, which is due to end at one minute to's my NYE!!! Sat at the laptop all morning, working. Broke for a late lunch of pea soup and a slice of sourdough. Ploughed on at the computer for the remainder of the afternoon. Didn't have any defrosted food in the fridge, so Aki nipped out across to Tesco and bought some bits and pieces, and made a fiery prawn coconut curry. Worked till 2030. Read some Shuggie Bain. Bath and bed.

Thursday 6 January 2022

Wednesday 5th January 2022

Woke to the alarm at 0800. Aki left a mug of tea at my door. Ate my porridge in bed, and started work on the laptop in a similarly prone position. Got up around 1000 and worked at the desk.  Did a LFT...still positive, but the line is very faint. Hopefully that means I'm slowly crawling to a negative result. Did some exercising in the back yard. Cold out there today, though. Broke for a late lunch. Aki popped out after lunch for a walk and to get some odds and ends. Got so bored with work that I got back into bed and had an afternoon nap! Aki warmed up the Spanish chicken and bean stew for dinner. Nowt on telly, so listened to Chelsea roll over Spurs in the League Cup semi-final first leg. Bath and bed.

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Tuesday 4th January 2022

Woke to alarm at 0800 and dozed in bed listening to the radio. Aki made tea, and brought me some porridge. Raining outside for most of the morning. Rang the Village Practice to cancel my skin surgery today, as I'm still self-isolating. Sat at my laptop all day, working. Aki made some leek and potato soup for lunch, served with a hunk of sourdough. Broke at 1800 to catch the BBC News. The numbers in hospital with covid have doubled over the last week or so, which is a bit worrying. Salmon in a green curry sauce for dinner, served with rice. Very tasty. Read some Shuggie Bain, then watched "Toast in Tinseltown" before bath and bed.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

Monday 3rd January 2022

Fitful night's sleep, for some reason. Woke every two hours or so. Got up around 0915. Aki said she hadn't slept well, either, having started worrying about getting her tax return done. I did some work at the laptop. Did some exercises in the back yard before lunch. Aki left a warm ham salad with fried halloumi at my door. She popped out to Boots mid-afternoon. I played some guitar and tried voice still tired a scuzzy, but a little better each time I have a sing. Read a few chapters of Shuggie Bain. Aubergine parmigiana lasagna for dinner, followed by tiramisu. Watched Stephen Merchant's strange performance as Stephen Port, the murderer. He has a vague physical resemblance, I suppose, and doesn't have to do much acting wise except be a bit uncommunicative. Script's a bit pointed. Bath and bed. Interesting R4 piece on Kurt Schwitters, who I'd never heard of before...a prominent member of the Dada-ist movement, he created sound poetry, his masterpiece being "Ursonate", a 40 minute solo epic sound poem. Intrigued enough to track a performance down on YouTube...whether I'll stick with it for 40 minutes is another matter!

Monday 3 January 2022

Sunday 2nd January 2022

Woke after 0900. Aki left tea outside my door, and then prepared a breakfast of ham and egg. Feeling OK this morning, but still testing positive. Today is day  6 of self-isolation, and I was hoping for a negative result today, and the same tomorrow would mean I can escape gaol. It's looking increasingly likely that I'll be banged up until Friday!!! Did some exercising out in the prison yard. Looked like it was threatening to rain, but it held off. Passed Aki some bed linen for washing, before she went out for a well-earned walk. I did a bit of work at the laptop before lunch. Pea and ham soup for lunch. Did a couple of hours' work at the laptop this afternoon. FaceTimed mum and dad, who had just gotten in after enjoying yet another jolly, this time to Newburn. They both look well enough. Listened to some footie on R5Live. First half of Chelsea v Liverpool was thrilling! Aki served up a Spanish chicken and white bean stew for dinner. Watched The Tourist, and some MOTD...before bath and bed.

Saturday 1 January 2022

Saturday 1st January 2022

Woke at 0600 with a bit of a cough. Visited the loo, then got back to sleep. Woke again around 0900. Aki urged me to take a proved positive! Looks like I'll be trapped in this room until next Friday, but I'll try again tomorrow morning in the vain hope of a turnaround!!! Aki made a fruit salad for breakfast which I ate in bed. Lovely looking day out there...I opened the back bedroom door onto the yard, and managed a glimpse of blue sky. Could do with a long walk!!! Did some exercises out there for a while...who knows, I may get around to tidying the garden! Kath tested negative this morning...hoping ma and pa still OK. Aki prepared a traditional Japanese New Year's lunch, which we shared via FaceTime. I could hear the crowd watching the Arsenal v Man City game at the Emirates. Looked like Arsenal were due to run away with it, until a second half Man City penalty, and a sending off, saw Man City turn it around. Spent the afternoon pottering about reading and doing a bit of work. Submitted December's expenses claim. Aki cooked up a mushroom curry with rice, after a Jamie Oliver recipe. Very tasty! Watched episode one of The had a good write up in the Guardian, so felt duty bound to give it a go, although the write up seemed to be by an Australian critic..."franging along the road" and other Ausi-isms!?! It was well shot, but the plotting is very contrived and script a bit heavy handed..."Breaking Bad" it ain't!