Monday 31 May 2021

Monday 31st May 2021

Good night's sleep. Aki up early to make contact with Tokyo. Finished reading "A Horse Walks Into a Bar". Gripping stuff...intense, but expertly would make a fantastic one man show. Walked up Highgate Hill to Waterlow Park with a packed lunch...bumped into Gareth and had a brief chat outside his house at No.120; we were interrupted by a slightly dishevelled man in his late fifties carrying a shopping bag who said "No.120? There was a murder 1947". I told Gareth to put up a plaque on his front elevation. Managed to find a spot in a bit of shade under a mature tree; it was like Brighton Beach! After our stuffed pittas, I walked up to the Italian deli to get gelato, only to find it closed for the Bank Holiday...had to go to the newsagent across the road and make do with a couple of Magnums, or should that read Magnae? The old Latin still comes in handy! Walked back home and cooked chicken and chorizo for dinner, with roast celeriac and parsnips. Watched a bit of tennis from Roland Garros...sorry to hear that Osaka has pulled out of the tournament. 

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