Friday 28 May 2021

Friday 28th May 2021

Managed another reasonable night's kip. Aki up early to take herself off to the rowing club. Inline Health rang to offer me an appointment for an MRI scan. I turned down an appointment in Hornchurch, which is miles away, and went for one a week later in Waterloo...but then I thought about it, and the fact that I might get an attack on the tube into Waterloo, freaking out the whole carriage, and decided it made more sense for Aki to drive me to Hornchurch so that we could at least pull over to the side of the road, and I could scream and roll about in an empty field. Aki back for lunch...baked cod sandwiches. Yum! Drove Aki to BOMA to get some soil and plant pots in the afternoon, just as it began raining. Back in time to cook up a tomato sauce which we had with bucatini. Recorded a version of When I'm Sixty-four which we sent to Martin in celebration of his 64th. Then joined the Pandemic Players for a zoom rendition of Happiness, which had recently been aired on R4...the writer joined us for a chat afterward...turned out he had been a stage hand at the Theatre Royal, Hanley, when I was living there, and I told him I had seen Ken Dodd at the Theatre Royal in the early nineties...he reckoned he'd been on follow-spot that very night. Watched a bit of telly. Enjoyed Jools. Managed to avoid a spasm today... a few slight twinges, but nothing as painful as of late. 

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