Sunday 30 May 2021

Saturday 29th May 2021

Decent night's sleep again. Got up at 0930 and listened to Saturday Live. Decided to walk down to Upper Street, and bumped into Carlos and Jane, who are entertaining us this evening. A bit further on I got a couple of minor spasms in my arm, so decided to head back home...Aki got her bike out and cycled off, while I did a bit of tidying up in the back garden. Though I got slowed down by having to chat to Margaret, who was out in the back garden putting her washing out, and Sush who was sunning himself on the roof. Aki came home and I made croque monsieur for lunch...took ages! Didn't eat until 1430! FaceTimed ma and pa, but the signal went when they took the ipad out into the garden. Went round to Jane and Carlos at No.36 for dinner. Sat out in their lovely back garden for a bit, before moving inside for a pasta and lemon sauce starter, followed by baked salmon with pecan nuts, and rice. We provided the no-churn chocolate ice cream, which I served up in a brioche bun. First social evening for over a year...very pleasant. Carlos got out his old Ricky Nelson vinyl and we had a brief jig about in their front room. Turns out they had both come across Peter Herbert, who used to sit beside me playing hangman in English A Level class, during the course of their legal careers! Jane certainly recalled meeting him...! I told them the story about the games of hangman, and how unastonished I'd been when I failed English A Level, and how astonished I was that Herbie had passed!!! He, of course, went on to become President of the Black Lawyers Association.

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