Sunday 9 May 2021

Sunday 9th May 2021

Aki up early to make contact with her's Mother's Day in Japan. Then she was off to rowing club. I did some reading in bed, then walked up to Big Jo's for a slice of chocolate babka, which I brought home and had with a coffee. Then made some hummus...ended up mixing normal tahini with black tahini, which resulted in a hummus which looked like tile grout. Kath called. Having told me not to tell mum she was planning to drive down the M1 next week, she tells me that mum and dad were planning to come with her, and a picnic lunch was to be arranged at Hardwick Hall. Hope dad doesn't do too much of the driving! He had mooted the possibility of meeting at Wetherby, but it would mean we would have a 400 mile round trip, which is too much to contemplate. Made hahawshi stuffed pitta breads, and stuck most of them in the freezer...baked one for lunch which I shared with Aki on her return. Aki cooked up a prawn and tofu stir fry for dinner. Watched a bit of telly...gave Fargo on Netflix a's a bit OTT!

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