Wednesday 19 May 2021

Wednesday 19th May 2021

The final ride in the 2011 VW Golf...Aki drove us out to Aylesbury this morning. First stop was a unit on The Point industrial estate where I'd arranged for the dash cam to be removed from the old vehicle...cost me £50, which was a lot less than I was expecting. Then drove round to the VW garage and spent an hour or so doing the necessary paperwork required to effect a swap of the 2011 Golf for a 2019 VW Golf SV. Then had to update the car insurance, which cost more money...before driving off to find a spot to eat our lunch. Parked up by a lock on the Grand Union Canal and sat on the lock gate...had to be quick, as there was a storm cloud fast approaching. Drove home via Waitrose, and sorted the parking permit. Kath rang to see how we'd got on, and put in her bid for the new motor...I told her she'd have to wait 5 years! Aki made a fresh pesto sauce with our basil crop, which we had with pasta. 

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