Sunday 16 May 2021

Sunday 16th May 2021

Got a good night's sleep after almost 24 hours of pained wakefulness. Though a half-hour attack late morning finally drove me from my bed, and I did a lot of screeching and yelping in the living-room. I must ask the neighbour upstairs what she thinks has been going on down here! Ma rang to see how things were going, and dad promised to send me the latest copy of his Ponteland Civic Society newsletter, guaranteed to cheer me up (especially enjoyed the article about Maynard's sweet shop where I used to get my lemon sherbets). Went back to bed after lunch and dozed to R5 Live for a bit. Aki brought me a cuppa tea and a fruit tartlet, purely for medicinal purposes, naturally. Cooked up a mushroom and anchovy sauce to have with some pasta this evening, Watched a bit of telly. Getting the odd, random spasm in my left arm, but nothing as sustained as this morning's episode. Had a valium, which left me feeling very I was wading through water!

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