Thursday 13 May 2021

Thursday 13th May 2021

Slept much better last night...woke around 0700, so got up and prepared to head out early. Aki had a hair appointment today, so couldn't chauffeur me to Sussex, so had to jump in the car and hope for the best. Stopped off at Clacket Lane for a coffee, and then popped in at Waitrose in Horsham for some lunch items. Couldn't resist the Leibnitz chocolate biscuits, which were on offer! Headed for inspections in Southwater, then had lunch in Southwater Country Park, overlooking Cripplegate Lake. Ended the inspections in Coldwaltham, on the Worthing road. Got home about 1915. Aki had cooked up Spanish chicken and chorizo. Rang ma, as dad had emailed saying Kath had woken at 0600 in agony, and had gone to the doctors'. We are now contemplating driving up to Newcastle on Sunday, otherwise the swap won't happen in time.

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