Thursday 27 May 2021

Wednesday 26th May 2021

Another very disturbed night, despite the medication. Had another attack whilst in the bath, and another 10 minutes after getting into bed. Got up an paced about for a bit hoping the medication would kick in to some effect, even if only to induce a drowsiness which might lead to getting a bit of sleep. Eventually flaked out around 0130. Felt OK in the morning, so hoping the Amitriptyline is doing it's thing. Aki popped out to Finchley after lunch. I had a series of excruciating spasms which had me screaming in pain in the flat alone. Felt quite shaken afterward. Spent the rest of the day taking things very slowly. Aki cooked a tasty baked cod in chorizo crumb. Watched telly before bath and bed...

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